Tag Archives: spokesperson

Advice on personal branding – share your stuff and get some spokespersons

Had the most fun experience the other day, which really boosted my ego for a while and afterwards were a quite fun story. I’m working as and external lecturer in comms planning at the masters degree on University of Aarhus, and the other day I had mid-semester supervision with the students. 20 of them had been to a conference on communication and marketing – focusing on the cinema market. And In one of the presentations the guy made a point about the changes in the communication landscape these years and introduced it with the quite strange words of “Who is the strongest girl in the world? Pippi Langstrømpe (The children book character from all scandinavian people childhood) and who is the smartest girl in the world? Pernille Fruensgaard – she gave me a presentation on this and now I’ll show what she told me..” . The person was the sales and marketing director of Nordisk Film Biografer Jacob Elkjær (who is quite smart himself), and it was a clear coincidence that he just happened to speak to 50% of my students that day. Afterwards he tried to convince them not to tell, cause he really hadn´t asked me permission to use it.

The best branding ever towards my already wonderful students :). Thank you so much, Jacob! And for all my students, thank you for sharing – this really made my day!

So an advice on personal branding must be; get independent spokespersons all a round you and share your stuff – so they can share.

Jacob, you are hereby allowed to share all my slides around the world. 🙂